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On Life and Meaning

Jul 18, 2017

Bruce Fritch is a business advisor who accesses the human brilliance of people and organizations.  He sees our gifts, talents and experiences as the wellspring for the best of human endeavors.  A former naval officer and bank executive, and a consultant to small and large enterprises throughout the world over nearly a 50 year career, he is a student of leadership and culture.  His clients cross industry sectors from financial services to healthcare to manufacturing to start-up ventures.  Bruce is also an artist.  A prolific writer and photographer, he is a keen observer of the human condition.  His work has the voice of a prophet calling his audience to excellence and higher purpose.

This episode is perfect for anyone interested in the power and consequences of leadership, and hearing a powerful personal journey of growth and reflection.


  • Bruce describes what he does professionally and the impact he seeks to have.
  • He responds to assertions he has made about the state of leadership in corporate America.
  • He compares American leadership to the remarkable example of leadership he witnessed in South Africa.
  • Bruce explains how 'our social and behavioral self-aspects' are shaped by emulation.
  • He shares the influence and impact of his father and mother in his life, the understanding he has now, and the quest for insight that remains. 
  • Bruce talks about his experience as a Navy officer and Admiral's aide and what he learned about leadership and culture. 
  • He compares his time in the Navy to a very different experience, and how those two experiences set the course of his business consultancy.
  • He explains what he means by 'human brilliance' and what leaders do to activate it.
  • Bruce talks about 'how happiness goes to the adult.'
  • He discusses his interest in photography and how it informs his life.
  • He shares what matters most to him in his work ahead.

After the conversation, host Mark Peres shares a personal word that begins this way, "When I hear Bruce talk about his reflections, I'm reminded of my own love for the artifacts of memory..."

For more about this podcast, visit On Life and Meaning