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On Life and Meaning

Oct 31, 2017

Amy Chiou cultivates the virtues of democracy. She has been a staff volunteer on dozens of electoral campaigns at all levels of political engagement. She is former deputy director of the convention complex for the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. She is the founder of #WTFwevote, a...

Oct 24, 2017

Deborah Bosley brings clarity to complex information. She is a plain language expert who re-envisions language so that readers might better understand and respond. She is owner and principal of The Plain Language Group, a consultancy that helps businesses improve internal and external communication. Her work...

Oct 18, 2017

Renee Stout is a visual artist who explores the mystical and rhythmic planes of existence. Her assemblages combine painting, sculpture, found objects, vintage photographs, ancient symbols, herbs and potions, and remnants of stories and letters. Her mixed-media, multi-sensory installations delve into...

Oct 9, 2017

Mike Watson is an artist, educator, adviser and convener of people and ideas. He is a fashion designer and visual merchandiser. He teaches students about fashion design and fashion marketing at the Art Institute of Charlotte, a branch of Miami International University of Art & Design. He is the founder of Heartful...

Oct 2, 2017

Kelly Chopus is an instigator of connection and change. She is CEO of the Robins Foundation, a family foundation that seeks to lead transformational change for children and families in greater Richmond, Virginia. Kelly has had an extensive career in philanthropy, community engagement, corporate communications, community...